How I met John Muir


That’s right, I met John Muir tonight.  But John Muir is dead you say?  Ok, you got me.  But I did meet Lee Stetson who portrayed John Muir for three performances during Wilderness Wildlfe Week in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.  Lee has been performing as John Muir at Yosemite for 26 years.

Lee performed his original shows entitled

  • Conversations with a Tramp and an Evening with John Muir
  • John Muir among the Animals
  • The Spirit of John Muir

Lee regales his audience with stories of Muir and his expeditions throughout the Sierra and Alaska.  He draws in everyone within earshot, and his storytelling commands one’s attention.  His wit is appropriately timed; exactly as I would imagine Muir’s.

He just so happened to be mingling during the dessert reception fundraiser for Friends of the Smokies.  That’s how I met John Muir.

Lee, thank you for three wonderful evenings and I look forward to your performances in the future.