Personal Reflections on 2008

Personally, 2008 did not go as I planned it. But then I suppose there are lots of investment bankers who could say the same thing. I didn’t spend nearly as much time in the wilderness as I’d like and I investigated but didn’t start my business.

But rather than beat myself up for what I didn’t accomplish in 2008, double my resolve and make a whole bunch of New Year’s Resolutions to address them, I thought I’d reflect on the great things about 2008.

  • I met a number of great personal friends this year. I’m not talking about just casual acquaintances. I’m talking about quality people that I can say are my friends that I can live life with. These are people who are honest with me and at least put a lot of effort to “get me”. Being as I’m not exactly a social butterfly, this is very rewarding to me.
  • Between the end of June and the middle of November, I changed to a significantly healthier lifestyle. In the process, I lost 27 pounds and 2.5 inches. I now weigh less than when I graduated college and am in much better shape than then. And I’ve managed to keep it that way thus far through the holidays..

Now, I’m not posting any resolutions for 2009. I’ve come to abhor them. Why is it the new year brings about such resolve in people to make things better? Just wait until next week and see how many unfamiliar faces you see at your gym and how much longer your 45 minute workout takes. Then note in March how many of those same people are still around. Focus and planning are great, but I have chosen to evaluate my life more frequently and make small changes throughout the year. Fellow blogger Sam Davidson called this a New Day Resolution.

Celebrate 2008 with me. What are 2 great things that you changed in 2008?