Holy Places

Stone Door Birthday Trip 007A common theme among the world’s religions is the concept of some holy, sacred place.  For the Jewish, this would undoubtedly be the Western Wall and Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  For the Muslim, it would be the cities of Mecca and Medina.  For the Catholic, maybe it is the Vatican and for the Protestant perhaps it is Westminster or the local church.  Something that struck me recently is that all of these places are built by men.  Oh, I’m certain the shrines, mosques, and cathedrals were built in those places for a reason, as a symbol.  Unfortunately, I believe those reasons are largely lost on the faithful of today, making these holy places little more than idols.

My holy place is pictured on the right.  I can’t explain it entirely, but it seems to be were I can meet with God, my maker, without the distractions of the trappings of man.

What is your holy place?