Where has the time gone?

I’ve been rather infrequent in posting lately, so I thought I’d get you caught up on what has been capturing my attention lately.

  1. It’s been darn hot around here. It’s October 7 and today’s high was 93 degrees. It’s like August around here. Speaking of August, the average high temperature for last August was 99 degrees. Not very conducive to hiking, though I did take a trip down the Ocoee River at the end of August
  2. I’ve been long contemplating some changes in my life and have been diving more and more into those, thus taking away some of my hiking time. I hope to be announcing something in the coming months.
  3. Who knew owning a home was another full time job?
  4. When I have gotten outside, I’ve usually gone to places close by and long since logged here at Wildrlog.

So there you have it. I hope to be seeing you on the trail more this fall… if it ever comes.