Stone Door Day Trip

Welp, it’s that time of year again. Every year on my birthday, I venture down to Stone Door for a day of solitude. It’s usually quiet and on the bluffs I can read and think clearly. While not a difficult trail at all, it’s one that will always gratify me.

Distance: 1 mile
Max Elevation: 1888 ft
Total Elevation climb: didn’t measure
Trail Type: single track dirt, rocky
Temperature: 90s, sunny and hot
Time: 0:30 moving
Significant Features: the gulf overlooks and the door!

If you’re just starting out hiking or not sure you want to do some serious hiking, this is the trail for you….short walk, big payoff. The door is a break in the rock cliff that is one of the few ways in and out of the valley. A tree, supposedly, forms the handle and that’s how it got its name.

The views from the overlooks are nothing short of spectacular. Once you see it, you’ll know why I spend my special day each year there.

South Cumberland State Park
Stone Door State Natural Area
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