Check out VentureTree

Well, it took Tom Mangan of Two Heel Drive, out in California, to bring VentureTree to my attention… in my own backyard. Pikka and Bentley live and play in Nashville. Through VentureTree, they’re offering trail information, multimedia, tips, gear reviews… oh, well I’ll let them tell you.

“So…What do we do?
– Share gear information, ideas, tips (beta) and other outdoor essentials.
– Write about trails and hikes and backpacking destinations in the state.
– Be a hub for upcoming events and other happenings in the area.
– Use video to show you how its done. Photos too!
– Make it easier for those that are hard-core-outdoors-people get out more!!!
– Do the same for not-so-hard-core-people that really want to get out there.”

They’ve got some great content up over there. One of my favs was the post on duct tape… one can never have enough. Wildrlog readers be sure to check out Pikka and Bentley. Thanks for the introduction Tom!

HT: Two Heel Drive