My New Dairy Section

I’ve got a new dairy section. Nope, a new Publix didn’t open up down the road. But a local dairy farmer did open a dairy store. And I just switched. Introducing the Hatcher Family Dairy Store, just 5 miles from my house. They sell non-homogenized Whole Milk, 2% and skim milk. Oh, and my favorite? The chocolate milk. They’re also selling jellies and cheeses from other local farms. Number of miles my milk travels from farm to my refrigerator? About 40 (our pesky state government still prohibits the sale of unpasteurized milk).

We all know the reasons behind supporting local businesses and farmers who are practicing sustainable business. But if you need a refresher, how about this:

  • Reduce pollution. That’s right, it helps reduce pollution. The average food travels 1,500 miles from the farm to your table. That’s a lot of trucking, a lot of diesel, and a lot of pollution.
  • Maintain green space. With increasing costs, lots of farmers are under pressure to sell their farms for development. Less profitable farms mean less green space.
  • Accountability. How many of you know the farmer you get your food from? Remember that 1,500 miles your food travels to get to your table. How much do you think the farmer at the other end cares about you? How about the farmer you see and buy from every week? Who do you think has more accountability?
  • Keep taxes low. Studies have shown that farms pay more in taxes than they consume in services. The equivalent developed neighborhood? The exact opposite.

So, if I’ve piced your interest and you want to find out more, try these links in the Tennessee area:
Pick Tennessee Products
Franklin Farmers Market
Nashville Farmers Market