Bob Brown, friend to hikers and nature, dies

Brown co-founded the Tennessee Trails Association and was part of a
group that inspired and helped develop the Cumberland Trail that is
more than half built, crossing from the Tennessee River Gorge near
Chattanooga to the Kentucky-Virginia border.

He served on the
boards of the Tennessee Parks and Greenways Foundation, the Tennessee
Chapter of the Nature Conservancy and the Metro Greenways Commission.

forte was his ability to deal respectfully and with good humor with
those who owned lands that he believed needed to be protected from

“Bob Brown has been to Tennessee what John Muir was
to Yosemite,” said Commissioner Paul Sloan, of the Tennessee Department
of Environment and Conservation.

“He was always first a gentleman and always an informed champion of conservation of Tennessee’s great places.”

Mr. Brown, I never knew you.  Thank you for your vision.  Rest in peace.