Toxic West Virginia extras

I really appreciate folks like for putting together this series.  If you’ve missed it, check out the links to Toxic West Virginia part 1 mountaintop removal, 2 reclamation, 3 miners, 4 the coal companies, and 5 water.

This series has brought to my attention the environmental travesty happening all around us.  I’m not anti-capitalist, I know corporations are responding to a need that we as consumers have 100% control over.  But for corporations to do this is just plain wrong.  If this series has interested you, I’d suggest you check out KiloWattOurs.Org for a start on what YOU can do right now in your own home to stop this.

VBS.TV has released a couple of extras to Toxic West Virginia.  First is Cookie Mountain, a funny (but not really) re-creation of a mountaintop removal site using confections.  This is one part with language.  You have been warned.


Second is Marky Bias.