Kilowatt Ours plans public gathering in Franklin

The energy conservation group, Kilowatt Ours, is planning a public gathering prior to TVA‘s public meeting on its draft strategic plan at the Cool Springs Marriott on Monday, April 23.

Kilowatt Ours, an energy conservation group, has rented its own room
there for a pre-meeting public gathering at 4:30 p.m. that day for a
panel discussion on the topic.

“We want ensure that energy
efficiency is at the top of TVA’s strategy for meeting the growing
demand for energy in the valley,” said Alex Tapi, assistant director of
Kilowatt Ours, a group focused on energy conservation and alternative

“Right now, it’s not,” he said.

“They’re already
proposing new nuclear sites. The largest, cheapest, cleanest, quickest
source of new energy for the Valley is in our existing homes and
buildings through energy efficiency.”

TVA is our nation’s largest polluter (and my power provider). They could (and should) be taking the leadership role in energy conservation and efficiency in the valley by requiring new construction meet current energy codes and giving incentives to upgrade existing buildings. Instead, they give incentives to builders and a pittance for upgrading existing buildings.

Why the big deal? Efficiency can’t possibly keep up with growth you say? Not so says Synapse Energy Economics in a 2002 study on efficiency potential in Williamson County:

this study
shows that there is clearly enough efficiency potential to make a difference in
the need for new substations and lines. Reducing the electricity demand by 13 to
23 percent by 2010 and 22 to 33 percent by 2020 would allow TVA and MTEMC to
delay or completely avoid some of their new projects in the County.

Furthermore, the efficiency potential in any region is greatest at the time
of highest load growth – when customers are building new homes and businesses,
and filling them with new electric end-uses. Unfortunately, if efficiency
measures are not implemented at this key point in time, then they become more
expensive to capture in the future – they might even become lost
opportunities. Thus, concerns about high load growth driving the need for new
substations and lines in Williamson county also serve as a compelling
justification for pursuing energy efficiency opportunities.

TVA has done nothing. Middle Tennesse Electric has done nothing. Our state government has done nothing.

How does all this relate to the wilderness you ask? According to the National Park Service:

Air pollution is shrinking scenic views, damaging plants, and degrading high elevation streams and soils in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Even human health is at risk. Most pollution originates outside the
park and is created by power plants, industry, and automobiles.

It is my love for the outdoors that draws me into environmental issues. It is my love for the outdoors that will bring me inside the Cool Springs Marriott at 4:30pm. If you care about nature at all, be there.

The Kilowatt Ours meeting will be at 4:30pm at the Cool Springs Marriott. TVA’s meeting begins at 6:00pm. If you’re coming, leave a comment and let’s meet up.

HT: The Tennessean